:15, :30, :60 --- $100 TO $200


:15, :30, :60 --- $150 to $250


:15, :30, :60 --- $250 to $350


:15, :30, :60 --- $500 to $1,300


$25 to $75


$50 to $100



Cable TV Local Small Market

$200 to $300

Cable TV Local Large Market

$250 to $450

Broadcast TV

$250 to $450

Network TV



$50 TO $400


• 1-2 Minute Explainer Videos

$150 TO $350

• 3 TO 5 Minute Explainer Videos

$300 TO $450


  • "Louise Mason Kay is a gifted speaker and voice over artist. She has served in multiple careers i speech and radio. I highly recommend her talent and character for any company or persons looking for voice acting."
    - Shelly Hamilton (Production manager for Majesty Music, Greenville, South Carolina)
  • “I’m happy to recommend Louise Kay as a voiceover specialist. She has worked with the LifeFM on air for several years. She has a clarity to her voice and inflection that communicates well with our listeners. Her delivery is pleasant and calming. It makes you want to smile when you listen. It gives me great pleasure to give her a positive review.”
    - Rodney Baucom (The LifeFM General Manager)
  • “Louise Kay has one of the most genuine, sincere voices I’ve ever heard. While managing radio stations, multiple advertising clients requested Louise’s voice simply because she sold their products and services. ”
    - Paul Wright
  • “Louise is such a genuinely sweet, nice person and has so much radio experience! I highly recommend her.”
    - Mimi Massey, The Life FM Network
  • “In the Spring of 2022, I had the great pleasure of coaching Louise Kay on Voiceover Technique. Louise has a warm, friendly, mature, soothing, encouraging voice. She can perfectly portray a Mom, Grandmother, Aunt, Teacher or Counselor in commercials. In addition, her resonance and excellent diction make her a good choice for narrations, e learning and PSA's as well as children's books. Louise is very easy to work with and takes direction well. I would highly recommend her to any voice over client.”
    - Bonnie Gilgallon, Such a Voice
  • “As General Manager of Radio Stations WMUU AM/FM, Louise Kay was one of my special employees. She was very talented in speech and diction. So much so, that my sales staff always asked that Louise do the voice over on their radio commercials. She had a wonderful way of expressing herself and making our radio listeners feel like she was talking to them personally. She had a speaking style that didn't talk down to them, but was warm and conversational I can highly recommend Louise Kay as a voice over announcer for any commercial advertising you might have.”
    - Jim Dickson
  • “Louise is a rare find. She has so much heart, and a grace to her sound from a bygone era, while still sounding relevant in today's world. It's warm, elegant, yet so relatable and down to earth. She's on your side, everytime.”
    - Simone Stevens
  • “I have known Louise Kay for over 40 years. Her voiceover work is stellar. She has an excellent delivery that features warmth and kindness. She has good interpretative skills when reading new copy and adjusts well to the various studio settings. Highly recommend.”
    - Tim Simpson (Chief Meteorologist)