parallax background


It’s the first memorized piece that i can remember performing and i was four years old. You know: Chantilly lace and a purdy face, Pony tail hangin down, A giggle when she talks A wiggle when she walks Makes the world go round, round, round. I had memorized that song and my mother had me sing it for every visitor we had come to our home. The second thing i remember performing was…well i was born in san francisco and of course we crossed the golden gate bridge several times a month… and every time we did my family had to wait for me to tell the ‘bridge attendant’ my full name, where i lived and that i could recite “ rubber baby buggy bumpers.” after that my life became pretty bumpy and all i can remember doing was trying to survive through the teenage years. My mother was married five times. But when i was 18 i came to know the lord jesus christ and that brought a whole new meaning to my life. I had a new family and new motivation. I went to a christian university and i majored in interpretive speech! For my senior recital i did ‘helen keller’. I portrayed the five different characters. That year i placed in both of the speech commencement contests. One was poetry and the other was dramatic reading. After i graduated, i taught speech in christian high school for three years, then i took a job at a christian radio station which gave me a lot of experience in voicing commercials. I also did a ‘women’s news’ program. But i still missed people. So i asked my boss if there was another opening in something more interactive with people. . The next day he asked me to go into sales, which floored me, but i did it and i seemed to do well. But i still yearned for performance. Later the radio station was sold and i resigned. I went to work shortly after that at another small christian radio station. The only position they had for me was in sales. But i was still able to voice my own client’s ads and they opened up for me a two hour segment each week where i have done short vignettes at each break. In 2018 i was diagnosed with parkinson’s disease. Since that diagnosis i have thought i would like a job where i could manage my own hours and work at my own pace doing what i love. One day, my husband came home with an infomercial about this school called such a voice? He asked me to take a look at it, so i did and was impressed. This seemed like the ideal opportunity!…. I am all in ….Loving what i’m doing and i’m ready to work for you too!

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